Wrapped Around Your Finger

This piece was written in mind for a certain someone and littered with twelve different references (the title is one) that I hope will be noticed.

It covers a theme that I always seem to come back to, the word or idea of ā€œforever.ā€

One that just when I feel like Iā€™ve started coming to terms with it, something happens to make me lose that trust in it. Be it life circumstances or my own overthinking.

I once said that youā€™re the only forever Iā€™ve been able to believe in,Ā but I lied because you are the second. And maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m scared to call you a ā€œforeverā€.Ā Because the first forever was one that I unconsciously believed in.

One that was taken from me all the same.

One hundred vials of denial, and I know they wonā€™t bring her back to me.

I wage war with this word, this idea.

And as I fight it I begin to find myself caring less and less about what it is.

Instead it is the fear that creeps out, the one that knows the opposite of forever.

Then I am left asking, how much time do I have left?

I thought I was strong enough, tried to keep it inside, but it poured out all the same.

An overflowing burst of words and emotions that I bury away to save my worries from drowning you. These fears are getting old, but theyā€™re nothing new to me.

I know that in my mind, I couldnā€™t leave you if I tried.

If you say that you love me; if you said that itā€™s all you want and more,

this small infinity with me, I would already know my answer.

ā€˜Cause youā€™re holding onto something special to me.

Though, if you were to change your mind.

Iā€™d swear to you, Iā€™d be okay.

As long as you didnā€™t look behind the smile; didnā€™t watch as I would fall apart, down to my core.

Youā€™re only the love of my life. 

Iā€™d let you take what you want from me and go.

Because Iā€™m no good at goodbyes, even if it is all Iā€™ve ever known.

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